Hello and welcome to NextGen Arts for Enlightenment! My name is Ruta Matuleviciute. I am a Lithuanian painter, interdisciplinary artist, art curator, and meditator with a deep interest in the consciousness-based approach to the arts. I think the future of art lies in the development of consciousness – that area within us, the inner Self, that we as artists, depend on every day for the flow of creative expression – whether we are visual artists, designers, musicians, performers, writers or poets. Unfolding creative potential from within our own consciousness is easy and natural with the knowledge of the Science of Consciousness. It leads to more bliss and success in our creative practice, and even helps collective consciousness and world peace. I warmly invite all younger Creatives around the world, to join us in this exciting venture which can transform the arts in our generation.
NextGen Arts for Enlightenment Is

for professional artists and art students.

of the Academy of Arts for Enlightenment.

for physical and mental wellness and increased creativity.

The creative fulfillment, wellness, and success of every artist;
Restoring the arts to the center of society,
creating coherent collective consciousness,
cultural integrity and world peace.
What is Consciousness-Based Art?
Consciousness-based art includes both conventional artistic practice and the knowledge and experience of the consciousness of an artist themselves. It is holistic in a way that it addresses the artist’s well-being and their understanding of the process of creativity. The artist practices a technology of consciousness called Transcendental Meditation and experiences the field of pure Being, which is the source of all creativity.
With the practice of Transcendental Meditation and its advanced techniques, the artist grows in higher states of consciousness. Benefits include increasing brain coherence, greater creativity, resilience to stress, appreciation, and much more (see Scientific Research below). The combination of the experience of the field of pure Consciousness and gaining the knowledge of Consciousness is called Maharishi Vedic Science.
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“Transcendental Meditation is a tool which can brush up the dignity of the artist. Meditation is the inner tool in the same way the chisel and the brush are the outer tools through which the artist expresses himself. In this way, he uses boundaries to measure the dignity of the boundless and expresses his own unbounded awareness within the tender expressions of his creation. The success of the artist, therefore, lies in his ability to express the boundless in the boundaries and expand the form of boundaries to whisper the gospel of the boundless.”
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Scientific research on Transcendental Meditation – Benefits for Creativity and Appreciation of the Arts
Transcendental Meditation has great benefits for the artist and the art audience. Research shows that it is beneficial to individual well-being as well as the well-being of society.
More than 700 scientific research studies have been conducted at more than 300 independent universities and research institutions in 30 countries. Hundreds of studies have been published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
Increased Creativity
Students who learned the TM-Sidhi program were found to increase over a nine-month period in creativity. Creativity, defined as reported originality, spontaneity, and growth, was measured as one dimension among several in an open-ended interview, rated by independent interviewers, designed to elicit the expression of experiences that the subject values in life. (E44.)
Reference: Gelderloos, P. (1987). Psychological health and development of students at Maharishi International University: A controlled longitudinal study. Modern Science and Vedic Science, 1(4), 471–487.

Greater Artistic Appreciation
Individuals participating in the Transcendental Meditation program, in comparison to norms, were found to have a high appreciation for artistic matters and activities.
Reference: Penner, W, J., Zingle, H. W., Dyck, R., &Truch, S. (1974). Does an in-depth Transcendental Meditation course effect change in the personalities of the participants? Western Psychologist, 4, 104–111.
Greater Field Independence Among College Art Students
Undergraduate art students who were practicing the Transcendental Meditation program displayed higher levels of field independence than similar students not practicing the Transcendental Meditation program. (E36.)
Reference: Fergusson, L. C. (1992). Field independence and art achievement in meditating and nonmeditating college students. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 75, 1171–1175.

Field Independence Correlated with College Art Achievement
Among undergraduate art students, field independence was significantly correlated with grade point average (academic performance) in their current classes, as well as with self-evaluation of artistic ability in the areas of drawing, composition, and artistic idea formation. (E37.)
Reference: Fergusson, L. C. (1992). Field independence and art achievement in meditating and nonmeditating college students. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 75, 1171–1175.

Optimization of Brain Functioning Correlates of EEG Coherence
High levels of EEG coherence measured during Transcendental Meditation are significantly correlated with higher creativity, greater efficiency in learning new concepts, more principled moral reasoning, higher verbal intelligence (IQ), less neuroticism, higher academic achievement, clearer experiences of Transcendental Consciousness, and greater neurological efficiency (faster spinal reflex recovery).

“It is not enough for the students of art to merely look at art, or to think about art, or to read about art, or to think about art; they must practice creating it. Our procedure of art education is meditation first and then create some art work. This procedure spontaneously expresses what value of the unmanifest has been enlivened.
To whatever degree the unmanifest has been developed in the awareness of the student, that degree of enlivenment will have a chance to express itself. If a student does not get a chance to express the unmanifest within himself, then enlivened creativity does not have a channel to flow through.”
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Academy of Arts for Enlightenment
The Academy of Arts for Enlightenment is a global educational organization representing the full revitalization of the Arts in tune with Natural Law through Maharishi Vedic Science. We serve as a platform to inspire all involved in the Arts – visual arts and crafts, design disciplines, music, performing arts, and writing arts – in the knowledge and experience of unbounded bliss consciousness.
By representing the total knowledge of Natural Law in the Arts, we aim to fulfill the goals of creative expression for health and enlightenment to every artist, coherent collective consciousness, and cultural integrity, and embellish the world with beauty, peace, and heaven on earth.